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Pediatric Chiropractic Care

The Benefits of Visiting a Pediatric Chiropractor

When your child is unwell, you may be unsure about how to help or wish to enhance their health and wellness. Our chiropractors at Wellcare Chiropractic Center in Wilmington can provide exceptional treatment for issues such as childhood asthma, colic, and infant torticollis. Read on to learn how a pediatric chiropractor can benefit your child.


Enhance Brain Development

Studies have shown that regular appointments with a pediatric chiropractor can enhance children's brain development. Since your child's brain continues to develop for years, this can be a smart way to promote their well-being throughout childhood. Improved brain development leads to an increase in concentration span. For additional advice or treatment, you can search for a chiropractor near you.

Help Your Child Sleep Better

Inconsistent sleep behavior in children can make parents' lives more challenging. For instance, you may have to get up in the middle of the night if your child wakes up. After visiting a pediatric chiropractor, parents often notice positive changes in their children's sleep patterns. Children take more consistent naps, wake up less frequently at night, and experience a decrease in lethargy, among other improvements. This results in children feeling better rested, calm, and experiencing deeper sleep throughout the night.

Boost the Immune System

Chiropractic care can be beneficial in enhancing your child's ability to fight infections. Since your child's immune system is immature until they are around eight years old, they are more susceptible to diseases. A pediatric chiropractor can help your child's body systems function more efficiently and improve blood flow by eliminating areas of pressure in the spine that negatively affect the immune system.

Improve Illness Symptoms

Infant torticollis, colic, and childhood asthma are conditions that our pediatric chiropractor can help with. For example, our expert can perform specific spinal adjustments to help the nervous system function normally. After receiving spinal adjustments, the frequency of asthma attacks in your child may also decrease.

Reduce the Occurrence of Injuries

Children tend to have accidents frequently, such as falling and scraping their knees or bumping into things while running. However, a chiropractor can reduce the risk of more significant injuries that parents would prefer to avoid. Pediatric chiropractors help by maintaining the alignment of the musculoskeletal system and spine, which aids in preventing injuries by promoting strong muscles, proper balance, and a full range of movement.

Contact a Chiropractor Near You

Uncertain about your next steps? Our chiropractor at Wellcare Chiropractic Center in Wilmington can assist you. Contact us today!

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8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm





